Who am I

Yes, you may call me a little crazy. I love taking my kids somewhere different almost everyday. Beach, hiking, biking, exploring nature and lastly the Zoo! I'm not a big fan of amusement parks but I'll go if my kids bribe me.  I'll never say no to off roading and going to the river nor will I ever say no when it comes to babysitting my friends kids. 

I have 3 wild rough and tough boys and 1 very relaxed white boxer whom I'm in aww with. 

I love everything organic and healthy. If you grow it, better! 
I don't always comb my hair and hats make me look cute!
I'll tell you the truth...so don't get scared!
Road trips are my speciality!
Come alone with me camping! Yes, I do use an air mattress.
I'll run and jump if I see a spider. I won't kill them!
I hide inside my room so I can eat my MASAPAN! 
Running is the name of my game!
Viva Las Guapas! 
P90X baby! I do love that man...lol
Museums, Museums , Museums!
MTB baby!
Did I mention I still go to school! LOL
I haven't mastered a hobby...I'm not that good!
Can't live without my Iphone and My kids cannot live without the Ipad.
If you think I can't do it...think twice!

Thank you for getting to know us a little better. Our pictures will paint a bright masterpiece of who we are and were we are going.  So, don't be afraid...visit me often!